Répertoire de codes source

Zend Framework Db Table ORM
déposé par zsamer
le 26/09/2008
nombre de visites : 5554

edité le 26/09/2008
par zsamer

<a href="http://code.google.com/p/zend-framework-orm/">Zend Framework Db Table ORM</a> is a project that aims to give greater ORM functionality to Zend_Db_Table Relationships.

These extend the class "Zend_Db_Table_Abstract" and "Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract" without touching or altering anything of its existing features.



                $contentModel = new Content();
                $categoryModel = new Category();
                $category = $categoryModel->createRow();
                $category->setName('New Category 6');
                $content = $contentModel->createRow();
                $content->setTitle('Title 10');
                $content->setContent('Content 10');
                $content2 = $contentModel->createRow();
                $content2->setTitle('Title 11');
                $content2->setContent('Content 11');
Graphisme réalisé par l'agence Rodolphe Eveilleau
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