Répertoire de codes source

déposé par golivier
le 12/03/2008
nombre de visites : 10031

Cette classe permet de gérer des cellules sur un fichier PDF. Elle est basée sur http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-1254 avec pas mal de corrections sur les positionnements et ajout de fonctionnalités de positionnement.

La classe à comme nom TI_Pdf_Cell afin de ne pas interférer avec celle de Zend qui sera peut être un jour mis en standard

 * Zend Framework
 * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * @package    Zend_Pdf
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License
/** Zend_Pdf_Exception */
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font */
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/Font.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Page*/
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Page.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Cmap */
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Cmap.php';
/** Zend_Pdf_Color */
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Color.php';
class TI_Pdf_Cell {
	const ALIGN_LEFT=0;
	const ALIGN_RIGHT=1;
	const ALIGN_CENTER=2;
	const POSITION_TOP=8;
	 * Width of the cell
	private $_width;
	 * Height of the cell
	private $_height;
	 * Upper left X coordinate
	private $_x;
	 * Upper left Y coordinate
	private $_y;
	 * Current page for the cell to belong to.
	private $_page;
	 * How the cell should be positioned on the page
	private $_position;
	 * 3 diminsional array that stores the text in the cell.
	 * The first diminsion is for the line number.
	 * The second diminsion is for the section number.
	 * The third diminsion is the properties for that section.
	 * The only properties (3rd diminsion) valid for a non-zero section (second diminsion)
	 * are text, font and encoding.
	private $_text;
	 * Keeps track of the current line number
	private $_lineNumber;
	 * Keeps track of the current section
	private $_section;
	 * Current font that is being used.
	private $_font;
	 * Current font's height
	private $_fontSize;
	 * When we want to auto-calculate the height, this is the
	 * height's current value.
	private $_autoHeight;
	 * When we want to aut-calculate the width, this is the
	 * width's current value.
	private $_autoWidth;
	 * Border around the cell.
	 * Defaults to BORDER_NONE.
	private $_border;
	 * Background color
	 * Defaults white
	private $_fillColor;
	private $_wordWrap = false; 
	 * Creates a new cell.
	 * @param Zend_Pdf_Page $page Page for the cell to belong to.
	 * @param constant $position What type of position to have
	 * @param int $width Width of the cell.  Provide 0 for auto-width.
	 * @param int $height Height of the cell.  Provide 0 for auto-height.
	public function __construct($page,$position=TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_LEFT,$width=0,$height=0) {
		$this->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_RGB(255,255,255));
	private function _initializeBorder() {
		$this->_border['color']=new Zend_Pdf_Color_RGB(0,0,0);		
	 * Wraps the section if needed.
	 * This function explodes the section's text, and adds one word at a time until it goes over
	 * the boundry.  Once it goes over the boundry, it wraps the rest of the text up into its
	 * own text section and calls addText.  If the current section had been wrapped, then
	 * this function returns true, otherwise it returns false.
	 * @param array $section Section of text to wrap.
	 * @return boolean True if it wrapped text, false if it did not.
	private function _wordWrap($section) {
		if (!$this->_wordWrap) return false;
		if ($this->isAutoWidth()) {
		} else {
		if (count($splitSection)>1) {
		  foreach ($splitSection as $ndx => $txt) {
		  	if ($ndx+1 < count($splitSection))
		  return true;
		//if adding this section over flows borders
		if ($lineWidth+$section['width'] > $maxWidth) {
			//section of text is greater than our box's diminsions
			$splitSection=explode(' ',$section['text']);
			while($maxTextSection['text']!=null && $lineWidth + $maxTextSection['width'] < $maxWidth) {
				$this->addText($maxTextSection['text'].' ');
			$restOfText=implode(' ',$splitSection);
			$this->addText($maxTextSection['text'].' '.$restOfText);
			return true;
		return false;
	 * Turns a string of text into a text section
	 * @param string $text String of text to turn into a section.
	 * @return array A text section array.
	private function _makeTextSection($text,$charEncoding='') {
		return $section;
	 * Adds more text to the cell.  This will create a new section of text.  
	 * The text is not written to the PDF until write() is called.
	 * If this section is not the first section, then the alignment, x and y variables are ignored.
	 * @param string $text Text to add to the section
	 * @param mixed $alignment (Optional) How to align the text in the cell.  If no alignment is
	 *  specified, then it uses the previous line's alignment.  If this is the first line in the
	 *  cell, then it uses TI_Pdf_Cell::ALIGN_LEFT as default.
	 * @param int $x (Optional) Offset of X from the relative position of this line in the cell.
	 * 	Defaults to 0
	 * @param string $charEncoding (Optional) Encoding of this particular section of text.
	 *  Defaults to current locale.
	public function addText($text, $alignment=null, $offset=0, $charEncoding='') {
		//Set the alignment
		if ($alignment!==null) {
		} else {
			if ($this->_lineNumber==0) {
				if ($this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['alignment']==null) {			
					//defaults to left alignment
				//we have word wrapped on the first line, so don't do anything
			} else {
				//else defaults to previous line's alignment
		if ($this->_wordWrap(&$section)) {
			return; //word wrap has already taken care of calling addText
		//if we haven't set a width, do so and initialize it to the width of this piece of text,
		//otherwise just add the width to this piece of text.
		if (isset($this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['width'])) {
		} else {
		//calculate the max width of the cell if we have an auto-size width cell
		if ($this->isAutoWidth()) {
			$this->_autoWidth = max($this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['width'],$this->_autoWidth);
		//calculate the max height of this line if we have an auto-size height cell
		if ($this->isAutoHeight()) {
			if (isset($this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['height'])) {
				$this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['height'] = max($this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['height'], ($this->_font->getLineHeight()/$this->_font->getUnitsPerEm())*$this->_fontSize);
				$this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['fontHeight'] = ($this->_font->getLineHeight()/$this->_font->getUnitsPerEm())*$this->_fontSize;
			} else {
				$this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['fontHeight'] = ($this->_font->getLineHeight()/$this->_font->getUnitsPerEm())*$this->_fontSize;
		else {
		  $this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['height'] = $this->_height;
		  $this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]['fontHeight'] = ($this->_font->getLineHeight()/$this->_font->getUnitsPerEm())*$this->_fontSize;	
	public function addHtml($text, $alignment=null, $offset=0) {
	  $this->addText($text, $alignment, $offset);
	  $this->_drawHtml($text, 0,0,'', true); //Initialise les infos seulement
	 * Initialize a new line in the cell.
	 * @return void
	private function _initializeLine() {
	 * Adds a new line to the cell.
	public function newLine() {
		//add the last cell's height to the auto height if we have an auto-height box.
		if ($this->isAutoHeight()) {
	 * Returns the width of the cell, without the border
	 * @return int Width of cell, in pixels, without the border.
	public function getWidth() {
	   if ($this->isAutoWidth())
	     return $this->_autoWidth;	
	     return $this->_width;
	 * Returns the height of the cell, without the border
	 * @return int Width of cell, in pixels, without the border.
	public function getHeight() {
	  if ($this->isAutoHeight())
	    return $this->_autoHeight;
	    return $this->_height;
	public function getPosition() {
		return $this->_position;
	public function getPage() {
		return $this->_page;
	 * Returns the type of border.
	 * Currently only a solid border is supported.
	 * @return int Pattern of border
	public function getBorderPattern() {
		return $this->_border['pattern'];
	 * Returns the size in pixels of the border around the cell.
	 * @return int Size of the border, in pixels.
	public function getBorderSize() {
		return $this->_border['size'];
	 * Returns the color of the border
	 * @return Zend_Pdf_Color Color of the border.
	public function getBorderColor() {
		return $this->_border['color'];
	 * Sets the border around the cell.
	 * A border may be placed around the cell.  If the border is greater than
	 * one pixel in width, then the border grows outwards away from the cell.
	 * For Example:
	 * If you create a cell with a width of 100 pixels, and you have a border of
	 * 10 pixels, then the total width of the cell is 120 pixels.
	 * @todo Implement more borders.
	 * @param int $pattern Type of border to draw.
	 * @param int $size Size of border, in pixels.
	 * @param Zend_Pdf_Color $color Color for the border.  Defaults to 
	 *  Zend_Pdf_Color_RGB(0,0,0)
	public function setBorder($size=1,$pattern=null,$color=null) {
		if ($pattern===null) {
		} else {
		if ($color===null) {
			$this->_border['color']=new Zend_Pdf_Color_RGB(0,0,0);
	 * Sets the location of where the cell's upper left corner should be placed.
	 * If the alignment is set, then x and y are offsets to the alignment.
	 * @param int $x X offset for the cell.
	 * @param int $y Y offset for the cell.
	 * @param mixed $alignment (Optional) How to align the cell with the X and Y as offsets.
	 * 	Defaults to none.
	public function setLocation($x, $y, $alignment=TI_Pdf_Cell::ALIGN_LEFT) {
     * Changes the fill color
     * @param Zend_Pdf_Color $color
    public function setFillColor($color) {
    	$this->_fillColor = $color;
     * Changes the word wrap possibility
     * @param Bool $ww
    public function setWordWrap($ww) {
    	$this->_wordWrap = $ww;
	 * Changes the current section's font to the one specified.
	 * @param Zend_Pdf_Font $font Font of the current section.
	public function setFont($font, $size) {
	 * Sets the current section's encoding to the encoding specified.
	 * @param string $encoding Character encoding of the text.
	public function setCharEncoding($encoding) {
	public function setPage($page) {
	 * Sets the maximum height of the cell, without the border.
	 * @todo Decide what to do if size of text exceeds cell height.
	 * @param int $height Maximum height of the cell, in pixels.
	public function setHeight($height) {
	 * Sets the maximum width of the cell, without the border.
	 * If text is added that exceeds the width of the cell, then the text
	 * will be wrapped at a space.
	 * @todo Decide what to do if one word exceeds border width.
	 * @param int $width Maximum width of the cell, in pixels.
	public function setWidth($width) {
	public function setPosition($position) {
	 * Returns true if this cell is using auto width
	 * @return boolean If this cell is set to be auto-width
	public function isAutoWidth() {
		if ($this->_width==0) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	 * Returns true if the cell is using auto height
	 * @return boolean If this cell is set to be auto height.
	public function isAutoHeight() {
		if ($this->_height==0) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	 * Draws the cell to the PDF page.
	 * This function will parse the internal $_text field and draw the cell to the PDF page.
	public function write() {
		if (!($this->_page instanceof Zend_Pdf_Page)) {
			throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception("The PDF page that the cell is attempting to write to is not a valid page.");
		if (!($this->_font instanceof Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font)) {
			throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('No font has been set');
		if ($this->isAutoHeight()) {
		if ($this->isAutoWidth()) {
		//positions of the cell's box
		//initalize the diminsions to defaults
		if ($this->_position & TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_BOTTOM) {
		if ($this->_position & TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_CENTER_X) {
			$left=(($this->_page->getWidth()-$this->getWidth()) + $this->_x)/2;
		if ($this->_position & TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_CENTER_Y) {
			$top=$this->_page->getHeight()/2 + $this->getHeight()/2 - $this->_y;			
		if ($this->_position & TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_TOP ) {
		if ($this->_position & TI_Pdf_Cell::POSITION_RIGHT) {
			$left=$this->_page->getWidth() - $this->getWidth();
		//save the page's font so we can put it back after writing the cell
		//restore old size and font
		//draw the border
		if ($this->_border['size']>0) {
			$style=new Zend_Pdf_Style();
			$style->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_RGB(0,0,0));
		//draw every section of every page.
		for ($i=0; $i<count($this->_text); $i++) {
			if ($this->_text[$i]['alignment'] & TI_Pdf_Cell::ALIGN_RIGHT) 
			  $currentX=$right - $this->_text[$i]['width'];
			elseif ($this->_text[$i]['alignment'] & TI_Pdf_Cell::ALIGN_CENTER)  
			    //elseif ($this->_text[$i]['alignment'] & TI_Pdf_Cell::ALIGN_JUSTIFY) @todo
			if ($currentX<$left) $currentX = $left;    
			if (($this->_text[$i]['alignment'] & TI_Pdf_Cell::VALIGN_CENTER) and (isset($this->_text[$i]['fontHeight']))) 
			//add the offset
			//count() - 4 because of the 4 properties to this text.
			for ($j=0; $j<count($this->_text[$i])-5; $j++) {				
				if (isset($this->_text[$i][$j]['html']))
	private function _drawHtml($html, $X, $Y, $encode, $initInfo = false) {
	   $html=strip_tags($html,"<img>"); //remove all unsupported tags
       //replace carriage returns, newlines and tabs
       $repTable = array("\t" => " ", "\n" => " ", "\r" => " ", "\0" => " ", "\x0B" => " ");
       $html = strtr($html, $repTable);
       $pattern = '/(<[^>]+>)/Uu';
       $a = preg_split($pattern, $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); //explodes the string
       foreach($a as $key=>$element) {
		  if (!preg_match($pattern, $element)) {
		    $this->_page->drawText($element, $X, $Y, $encode);
		  else {
		    $element = substr($element, 1, -1);
		    if($element{0}=='/') {
		    else {
		      //Extract attributes
		      // get tag name
		      preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/', $element, $tag);
		      $tag = strtolower($tag[0]);
		      // get attributes
		      preg_match_all('/([^=\s]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)["\']?/', $element, $attr_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
		      $attr = array(); // reset attribute array
		      while(list($id,$name)=each($attr_array[1])) {
		         $attr[strtolower($name)] = $attr_array[2][$id];
		      if ($initInfo)
		        $this->_initInfoHtmlTag($tag, $attr, $this->_text[$this->_lineNumber]);
		        $this->_drawHtmlTag($tag, $X, $Y, $attr, $encode);
	private function _drawHtmlTag($tag, $X, $Y, $attr, $encode) {
	  switch ($tag) {
	  	case 'img' : 
	  	  if (isset($attr['src'])) {
            require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/ImageFactory.php';
            $image = Zend_Pdf_Resource_ImageFactory::factory($attr['src']);
	  	  	$this->_page->drawImage($image, $X, $Y-2, $X+$image->getPixelWidth(), $Y+$image->getPixelHeight()-2);
	private function _initInfoHtmlTag($tag, $attr, &$info) {
	  switch ($tag) {
	  	case 'img' : 
	  	  if (isset($attr['src'])) {
            require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Resource/ImageFactory.php';
            $image = Zend_Pdf_Resource_ImageFactory::factory($attr['src']);
	  	  	$info['width'] = $image->getPixelWidth();
	  	  	$info['fontHeight']= $image->getPixelHeight();
	 * Returns the width of the text
	 * @param array $textSection A section of text that has the font, character encoding and text.
	 * @return integer Number of PDF units wide the text should be.
	 * @todo Make work for non ASCII characters.
	private function _getTextWidth($textSection) {
    	//make into a character array
    	for ($x=0;$x<strlen($textSection['text']);$x++) {
    	//get the lengths
       	return 	$fontGlyphWidth/$this->_font->getUnitsPerEm()*$this->_fontSize;
Graphisme réalisé par l'agence Rodolphe Eveilleau
Développement par Kitpages